May 31, 2013

Amchur recipe - Sun dried raw mango slices - How to make amchur at home

amchur in a container
Amchur recipe - Amchur is dried raw mango slices. Every year during mango season, I make amchur and store them to use throughout the year. It is used for bringing sour taste in the dish like dal, amtis, chutneys, fish curries and some other sabzis.

Amchur Recipe - Sun Dried Raw Mango Slices
amchur in a container
Prep time : 2 hrs
Cook time : 0 mins
Total time : 2 hrs
Recipe type : Amchur
Cuisine : Indian
Yield : 1 ½  kg. amchur
Author : Vidya Chandrahas

  • 2 kg. large sized raw Mangoes
  • Salt to apply 
  1. Wash and peel the raw mangoes. Cut the mangoes into large sized pieces and then chop them into  thin slices.
  2. Mix together the mango pieces and salt in a vessel. Keep it aside for 3-4 hours. Squeeze the water out of the mangoes. 
  3. Then spread them on a large plate. Keep in the sun for  4 days or till it dries
  4. When they dry, store them in an airtight container  and use whenever you want. 
  5. Keep the container in a warm place. This amchur can be stored for a year.  No need to keep inside the refrigerator.
amchur in a container


  1. I find this information very useful..will give it a try

  2. Nice way to have amchur in stock. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Amchur looks tangy suuuu..I too use it. Great post

  4. What a coincidence!! yesterday me and avika talking about it. Very useful post.

  5. Lovely idea, sounds so good

  6. Hi, Thank you all for your lovely comments.

  7. good post...thanks for sharing

  8. homemade are always the best,wish i could experiment like u.looks delish.

  9. wow wonderul post,very useful too...

  10. perfect to store this for amchur powder..wonderful idea

  11. Nice post. Thanks for sharing.

  12. Thanks Beena, Chandrika, Smita, Varsha, Saranya, SAkshi, Amrita, Divya, Meena, Prema, Divya and Neela.


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