June 12, 2020

Beetroot raita recipe - How to make beetroot raita

Beetroot raita
Beetroot raita recipe - Beetroot is very popular among children because of it's deep red colour. My kids like to eat boiled beetroot over raita. Beetroots are very low in calories and contain zero cholesterol. They are good source of minerals such as iron, manganese, copper and magnesium. They contain ample amount of folate and potassium. Potassium controls blood pressure. It is helpful in metabolic process and muscle function. Magnesium is helpful for the formation of bone in the body. They are sweet in taste because they contain more sugar than starch. Whatever it may be, I made this raita  for simple reason. While buying other vegetables, I found fresh beetroots and bought them. I made raita from it. We ate and enjoyed.

June 01, 2020

Green masala paste recipe - Green masala for marination

green masala in a container
Green masala paste recipe - For enhancing the flavour and taste of  some dish green masala marination is must. Several types of marinades can be prepared by using different ingredients. One such marinade is prepared by using green chilies, coriander leaves, ginger, garlic and cumin seeds. This is called green masala paste. This marinade is used for marinating paneer, cauliflower, mushrooms, etc. It can be used in biryani, pulao and spicy rice etc. While marinating you can add yogurt or lemon juice, to give a tangy taste. You can also use red chili powder if you want to make the dish more spicy. The masala can be stored in an airtight container in deep freeze for about a month. If you want the masala to be tangy, you should add appropriate amount of lemon juice.