May 06, 2014

Soya beans and lauki kootu recipe

Soya beans, lauki kootu recipe - Legumes and lentils are required to suplement the proteins. The childhood is the phase of muscle and bone growth.  They need adequate amount of protein and calcium for a strong bone structure and muscle formation. It will be better, kids above 2 years get milk, eggs, lentils, legumes, leafy vegetables and fresh fruits in proper proportion. Now to the kootu. For hot rice, kootu is the queen of curries. The reason for using soya bean is for it's rich protein, which with hot rice is a complete meal in itself. Besides dal, sambar, saaru, palya and amti, kootu is another kind of  curry for steamed rice.

May 05, 2014

Awala chutney recipe - Nellikayi chutney recipe - Gooseberry chutney

Awala or nellikayi chutney recipe - Today I am going to share a very healthy awala chutney recipe, which I make frequently during gooseberry season. This chutney is  not very tasty, but very healthy and  nutritious. I like it to have as a side dish with steamed rice and curry, when other tempting side dishes are also there. So small quantity of this chutney can be consumed along with other dishes.